
Showing posts from December, 2018

Wal Thornhill: The Saturn/Earth Connection and Our Place in the Universe...


Cicero and Seneca, Adams, Einstein, Gravitational mechanic's greatest tr...

“We still tremble today as a consequence of the deluge and our institutions still pass on to us fears and the apocalyptic ideas of our first fathers. Terror survives from race to race... The child will dread in perpetuity what frightens his ancestors.” I always hear these names, the great names of the past, but actually, know very little about them let alone their mode of thinking, but it seems to me science has been conducted throughout history in a disconnected and fragmented way, with ego instead of learning or knowledge as their greatest asset, how can man be so smart and yet so vain and foolish? With the gatekeepers Interested in glory and status in Lui of any real progress they care today more about maintaining their dogmatic fantasies & the hierarchy of worshipping at the altar of their own beliefs and ego than making the world a better place, Velikovsky is the proverbial slap in the face to the world to wake up and say... Thanks, I needed that, but they just keep sleepw...


Something we should all keep an eye on