
Showing posts from 2021

JFK’s War with the National Security Establishment

This should be required viewing for ALL people not just American citizens, this tells the story of not only a president but the people were betrayed and robbed of his and our destiny Wondering why those GI's didnt pop smoke to tell the fly boys where they were? Like that soldier says white or black were all in this together,it is the MSM that keeps us seperated, by ewhatever means poswsible

The show #4 ALL things considered connected


Eben Alexander: A Neurosurgeon's Journey through the Afterlife


SNOW WHITE FROZEN DWARFS, long farewell to big bang cosmology


Peter Mungo Jupp: UFO or Plasmoid? | Thunderbolts You'll never see them the same

If you view this video you may never see UFO's the same 

Eben Alexander: A Neurosurgeon's Journey through the Afterlife


The Electric Sun hypothesis Dr. Scott


Was SATURN the SUN? part 1

  As strange  as it may seem, early astronomi cal  traditions identify the primeval sun as the planet  Saturn, the distant planet which the alchemists called the best sun and which the Babylonians, the founders of astronomy, identified as the exemplary light of heaven, the “sun”-god Shamash. (Shamash is the planet Saturn, the astronomical texts say.)

stream #9 Pelesgians, Electric fields, Stars, Mars, Big Bang theory, Red...


INVISIBLE RAINBOW 2 History of life in electricity


MAKE YOUR HOME EMF resistant electromagnetic frequency waves,

  When I was about 7 or 8 or so I  asked my dad, "what is electricity dad? Answer  "no one really knows for sure, " No one really knows? Yes we can use it for all of the great things it brings and we have no idea what it is except to say, energy or where it comes from,  but what is energy? It goes on and on … however, EMF waves are linked to all disease! I know crazy huh? that means all the biggies, what it is This information is vital even critical, the public must be made aware of the risks and dangers of EMF, microwaves, WIFI, cellphone, wireless, and radio frequencies, perhaps you were like I was and thought that they wouldn't flood the planet with harmful rays if it were hazardous to your health right? You'd be wrong again,  

The electromagnetic spectrum what you really need to know

 There is a book that has been out for some time on the dangers that are posed to us daily 24/7 living in our world of today we have taken to our computers and our gadgets ever since pong came out in the late 70s we have all at some point taken a fascination to all of the electronic comforts that we sometimes wonder perhaps how could the world have lived without this technology?  However, not very many know that a price has to be paid due to the fact that lurking just about everywhere is this unseen force we all know but don't ever give it much thought that we call the electromagnetic spectrum comprised of the colors of the rainbow, Did you know that it is dangerous to our health? In fact inside this book titled the Invisible Rainbow the history of electricity and life, here on planet earth,  The author  Arthur Fistenberg points out the history of discoveries made in electromagnetic studies dating back to 1746, and to say it was an eye opener for me would be a gross ...

INVISIBLE RAINBOW history of electricity & life
