Lactic acid bacteria that stops the aging phenomenon

I do not want anyone to get older and decline. 
It feels a lot faster year by year to feel that the body does not move as you would have ever experienced and that physical condition is easy to break down. 
It seems that the age group of people walking with a cane is high and there are few grandparents and grandmothers who are lively and spoiled as much as they used to be. 

If it is not a healthy body, it will be hard to travel or go out. 
If you can not do what you want to do, you will have to rely on people. 
Many people feel such a thing mentally burdensome. 

So, there is nothing good mentally or physically, that it tends to stay in the house. 
That is why it is important to stay healthy forever and I want to stop the aging phenomenon even a bit. 
For such people, there are things that can be easily incorporated in everyday eating habits. 

That is lactic acid bacteria. 
Impaired immunity of the body and skin's environment are greatly affected by the intestinal environment. 
There are two kinds of bad bacteria and good bacteria in the intestine. 

Nothing happens when these two are balanced. 
However, if the bad bacteria increase, it will continue to hurt the intestines and generate a lot of harmful substances. 
If harmful substances accumulate, it becomes a trigger for diseases such as cancer. 

It is lactic acid bacteria that plays a very important role in such intestinal balance. 
Lactic acid bacteria have the effect of suppressing the occurrence of bad bacteria.
And since there is work to increase the number of good bacteria more, it can expect more effect. 

Improvement of the intestinal environment means that immunity increases as the amount of good bacteria increases, and the resistance of harmful substances from the outside increases. 
So you can expect effects on the skin and anti-aging which are not susceptible to damage. 
Recently attracting attention is lactic acid bacteria H61 strain. 
Experimental results remain that mice given this lactic acid bacteria were suppressed for bone density reduction and ulceration. 
For the prevention of aging, lactic acid bacteria can be said to be active ingredients you want to ingest. There are countless bacteria in the intestines. 
The bacteria can be roughly divided into two types of good bacteria and bad bacteria. 
First, good bacteria are bacteria that act positively for the intestines. 

 In addition, some lactic acid bacteria have effects on carcinogenic substances. 
For example, there are lactic acid bacteria made from rice called K-1 strain.
This type has the function of removing substances made by mutation such as cancer cells. 

At the same time, it has a very strong intestinal action and raises the immunity of the intestines. 
By strengthening the intestines themselves, the immune system will also rise and change into a strong intestine for cancer cells. 

There is also an immune power up which is one of the characteristics of lactic acid bacteria. 
This effect is thought to activate the movement of NK cells attacking cancer cells. 
So it is said to be lactic acid bacteria that can be expected to be effective for carcinogens. 

Examples of lactic acid bacteria that activate this NK cell include Labroglum and R-1 lactic acid bacteria. 
These items are often released as drinking water such as drinking yogurt. 
Why do not you check it at a store once.effective.  This is very important information I wanted to pass along to you from this website  I like the Greek Yogurt the best if anyone of you has a better way to get this good bacteria please let me know thank you.  Greg Jay


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