where have we been and where are we going?

Above video is my latest a talk with Ted Holden one of the authors of the Ganymede hypothesis, on evidence of past and/or present life on Mars, we are being deceived. Why you may ask do I like this theory? my answer is in the text below, I have to appluad anyone who has made an attempt to help mankind find the truth, I will help you too if you have gone as far as writing a book on the subject to show that you are serious, we can talk. Ganymede video - https://youtu.be/8RtGal_-KXU this video was done very well, it shows for example how the planets were possibly formed in a Herbig Haro object ( I really like that theory for planet and star formation even though it wouldn't be the only process)then what happened after the HH object dissolved the darker southern system of Saturn was moving along the same ecliptic as the sun it soon caught up to the sun that was slowed down by capturing the northern BRIGHT world planets first. This could have been a process that took hundreds or thousands of years there is no way of knowing that I know of, Somehow in the ensuing chaos the people living on Ganymede a sort of paradise type of place ended up on the only planet left when before there may have been as many as 4 worlds being lived on, much in the way theTRAPPIST-1 system is right now, either by a ship or a process of known as electro-saltation a process of electrified water Birkland currents that was shown to work in the lab ( next episode) every civ ended up on planet meat eater, however very conveniently all of the giant meat-eaters met their maker, go figure perhaps they were helped? I find speculating about it fun, ( I know) and interesting. What else out there is fresh with some data behind it? Not much, mainstream science acts like the French generals in WW1, out of touch and living in their own fantasy land without even knowing it, ALL of our current technology is really only improvements of 1920's technology. This does not conflict with Saturn theory at all but compliments it in my opinion, I don't know if this happened or not but it sure seems very feasible and is as good as any theory out there IMHO. THE BACK ROW ~ I have a twitter account now here https://twitter.com/MadBengal08 plus I am working on my own website having some trouble with it never made one before but I will get it eventually stay tuned for developments, :) it will be mostly a way for me to put all of my outlets in one place instead of 4 plus I have been somewhat detached from everything, an exclusive email address would be huge, a boards would rock for anything we want it to be. I may ask a couple of you that may be interested to help moderate, I cannot believe how fast "they" find you after creating an email geesh, I get bombed every day just by nonsense separating that out would be huge,. blog, music, art, videos etc. I can have it all there. sounds dreamy!
These are Ted's websites first his personal website http://www.bearfabrique.org/ Ganymede hypothesis facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/groups/51448... Ganymede hypothesis youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBZ1...
This Herbig Haro object appears to be a way stars sequence and dwarfs along with planets are born in the Z pinches of Birkland currents, mainstream pays them little attention, saying they are just a star shooting gas if you look globes are populating the object. I realize the moon landing thing separates people and I do not wish to make anyone mad and I always respect the opinions of others, however, I have found if one cares too much they become a prisoner, agreeing to disagree is healthy I think. My mind is always open as I try to not believe anything, but I'm not one to shy from a stand as long as uncommon sense is on my side. Tom Van Flandern presentation on Mars - https://youtu.be/zgzkjsMmRZg Here is a good video on more evidence from Mike Barra https://youtu.be/oPN6YWWC10M Also, a very good Richard Dolan video that sheds light on the UFO cover-up how deep does it go, and the secret space program - https://youtu.be/SJvIGZ9AX_A ignore the clickbait title, it is classic Dolan, Definitely recommend Richard Dolan, if you don't know about him you will really like him, he does not engage this issue with wide-eyed speculation but rather in a logical historian way. I got the 10,000 Tesla from Richard Hall, an electrical engineer, and good guy, this is a good presentation he does https://youtu.be/QVckFjFceFI he does another one with Andrew Johnson. Also, always give credit when due so, ArtAlienTV shows a more in-depth video of the cabin cruiser - https://youtu.be/by1G-Co4NHU I don't know him but his channel is packed with anomalies on Mars - https://www.youtube.com/user/joewhite...


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