The pointless scientist

The model for genius since the end of World war 1 is a scientist with bad hair standing in front of incomprehensible math equations in Latin. ( if you are a genius you don't have to groom) Now, why would it be in Latin anyway? In the late 19th century and early 20th,some very smart people like M ichael Faraday, N ikola Tesla were on to the workings of the universe,Then WW1 happened.What an amazing coincidence. In fact, it is really mind bending just how many advances were being made in just about every endeavour of research of our world was being discovered & advanced both physically and metaphysically they were all abruptly halted by that terrible war and the Spanish flu of 1918. Then, surrealism took over it seems most people just needed an escape from reality. Enter the mathemagician's, Salvador Doly's & JP Morgan's of the world and somehow, everything was derailed we lost our way! Einstein, a former patent clerk came out of virtual obsc...