
Showing posts from August, 2016

The pointless scientist

The model for genius since the end of World war 1 is a scientist with bad hair standing in front of incomprehensible math equations in Latin. ( if you are a genius you don't have to groom) Now, why would it be in Latin anyway? In the late 19th century and early 20th,some very smart people like  M ichael Faraday, N ikola Tesla  were on to the workings of the universe,Then WW1 happened.What an amazing coincidence. In fact, it is really mind bending just how many advances were being made in just about every endeavour of research of our world was being discovered & advanced both physically and metaphysically they were all abruptly halted by that terrible war and the Spanish flu of 1918. Then, surrealism took over it seems most people just needed an escape from reality. Enter the mathemagician's, Salvador Doly's & JP Morgan's of the world and somehow, everything was derailed we lost our way! Einstein, a former patent clerk came out of virtual obsc...

The cults of the Ancient world

I find it amazing that all of the words we use in everyday life come from symbology of something from the ancient world. There are so many interesting works on this. One example the is cults of the ancient world.Many words in the modern language such as Marriage,Mother ,Mate come from the Egyptian MA'AT which is personified by a female but was actually a way of life,to live in balance and harmony with nature. Michael Tsarion is really good on many of these things. Thinking that the ancients were dumb cavemen is thinking wrong. They were much more in touch with nature than we are today. I think because instead of flooding their brains with worthless entertainment on the boob tube, they lived under the stars. The same Moon and stars that we take for granted and live our hurried lives under and barely notice.So much can be learned from studying this is mind bending. Since turning off the TV and researching the ancients among other things it has led me too I have not only learned more ...

The cults of the Ancient world

I find it amazing that all of the words we use in everyday life come from symbology of something from the ancient world. There are so many interesting works on this. One example the is cults of the ancient world.Many words in the modern language such as Marriage,Mother ,Mate come from the Egyptian MA'AT which is personified by a female but was actually a way of life,to live in balance and harmony with nature. Michael Tsarion is really good on many of these things. Thinking that the ancients were dumb cavemen is thinking wrong. They were much more in touch with nature than we are today. I think because instead of flooding their brains with worthless entertainment on the boob tube, they lived under the stars. The same Moon and stars that we take for granted and live our hurried lives under and barely notice.So much can be learned from studying this is mind bending. Since turning off the TV and researching the ancients among other things it has led me too I have not only learned more ...
Forbidden History of the Sumerians [FULL VIDEO]  This one of the most interesting videos I have seen on the question  where did  humans come from? I do not agree with much of it,but it is an interesting hypothesis. Like most people I always thought that the ancient Egyptians were where the first stirrings of civilization happened, however, that is not the case. Egyptians were long after the Sumerians. I always wonder how humans got here.Through the works of Graham Hancock,Robert Schoch, and David Hatcher Childress, It is pretty safe to assume that human civilization has not been a linear progression.The Pyramids in Giza survive as proof  That there was once a very high civilization that existed before the great deluge or the flood of Noah.  I have found this video very interesting. The Sumerians gave us everything we use in our society today. Laws,courts,armies,writing,domesticated animals,agriculture. Which by the way no animals have been domesti...
Himalayan Salt lamps. Breathe better, cleaner air,feel better,sleep better! Please see article below Himalayan salt lamps  See short videos    The importance of water and sea salt   Worth their weight in gold!
Sea salt, the salt that heals everything, minerals  Sea salt, has the minerals & negative ions cells need to be healthy. This video is very informative for anyone who likes to do the best they can for good health. I can attest to this. In my late 50's I was beginning to have some issues with my health, getting to fat,bad arthritic knees,waking up feeling like vampires were feasting my energy all night. So I decided to do something about it. The doctor didn't really have any good advice except to simply say lose weight. Well, I knew that but it is so hard! Especially today with everything being processed,and fast food. I am learning to eat to live ,not live to eat.and I discovered recently the importance of minerals, that is what sea salt delivers to the body when consumed,and I also use a sea salt breather. Most people are mineral deficient. I incorporated a few things in my life like Sea salt, a negative ion bracelet which I will  cover later...

Do we live in an Electric Universe

Wal Thornhill on the Purple dawn of creation. Proto Saturn   Click on link for the video. Mainstream science tries to keep the emergence of the Electric universe under the rug. But if you listen to this or any lecture by Wal Thornhill on this ,and you have an open mind ,I feel as though you might see things in a different light. Wal makes many valid points such as dinosaurs could not even lift themselves off of the ground today ,with Earth's present gravity. He postulates on the fabled Purple dawn theory put forward by the ancients. The purple dawn of man  is another link that can tell the metaphysical part of what is referred to as the golden age.   About Saturn the "son of the sun"  have some very good articles on Alchemy