The pointless scientist

The model for genius since the end of World war 1 is a scientist with bad hair standing in front of incomprehensible math equations in Latin. ( if you are a genius you don't have to groom) Now, why would it be in Latin anyway? In the late 19th century and early 20th,some very smart people like Michael Faraday,Nikola Tesla were on to the workings of the universe,Then WW1 happened.What an amazing coincidence. In fact, it is really mind bending just how many advances were being made in just about every endeavour of research of our world was being discovered & advanced both physically and metaphysically they were all abruptly halted by that terrible war and the Spanish flu of 1918. Then, surrealism took over it seems most people just needed an escape from reality. Enter the mathemagician's, Salvador Doly's & JP Morgan's of the world and somehow, everything was derailed we lost our way! Einstein, a former patent clerk came out of virtual obscurity, imagine that! Don't all big world changer's always seem to just turn up? He was propped up by some snarky figures like Sir Arthur Eddington. Once his famous equation and relativity took hold he was then cast aside as the so-called mainstream scientists took his alleged work and ran with it. He never really accomplished much after his 30's. When he postulated away the aether he helped set science back 100 or more years.

 Tesla was right about them wandering off from equation to equation. He tried to tell us but we let the media spin his story into him being a nut or an evil scientist ya-ah-ah! When he was anything but that. He was a genuine genius of a scientist who sincerely wanted to do great things for the betterment of mankind. Remember that? But a meter couldn't be placed anywhere ! So he had to be cast into the kook bin,while they all stole & profited from his inventions.

 Then Immanuel Velikovsky came along  (a friend of Einstein's) with a book in 1950 "Worlds in Collision" and turned science upside down with a best seller for 12 weeks. The Mainstream scientists all ganged up and forced his publisher to drop his book by threatening to take their textbook business elsewhere. His book was dropped. Because there is much knowledge in his message to us all. That we live in a world hell-bent on self-destruction because we suffer from a collective amnesia from the events of the past, and if we do not come to terms with this and resolve it we are sure to repeat it by bringing it on ourselves! Just look at all of the fear porn everywhere you look! Hatred runs rampant in our world.All of the wars and killing in the name of going on today and has been going on for centuries.  Every prediction he made with respect to the solar system has been proven true! That is something to really think about.

 But that's not all, Halton C. Arp proved in 1966 that quasars were baby Galaxies that are spat out if you will from the core of the parent galaxy and in many cases connected with filament to that parent, not billions of light years away like mainstream claims. The so-called Doppler red-shift effect (you know the one that astronomers always demonstrate by the train that goes eeeow as it passes by) is intrinsic to age and not expansion,running away from us faster and faster. Therefore disproving the expanding universe concept,big bang,dark and strange matter black hole ad-hoc fudge factor nonsense theories. But he lost his tenure and it was all ignored and swept under the rug because it "exceeded the imagination" of the editor of the Astro journal.

So all it takes is a raised eyebrow of the mainstream big bang religion, and he's out? No debate? No nothing just give him the broom? That's how they do science? really? It's all rigged folks.Window dressing...We get guys like Neil Degrasse Tyson telling us to get over it! What a smug narcissist he must be.It's all Just a scam, and the joke is on us all. There is and has been a huge schism going on, how much longer will we tolerate it? For example, the job of the physicist is to describe the physical world. Not engage in phony wild-eyed speculation. Have you ever noticed that everything is departmentalized today? The reason for that is the same as the reason it exists in Government. To confuse and make it so complicated nobody can figure out what they are up too.

   Sooner or later they will not be able to ignore it anymore because the truth has a way of constantly coming up in their face. Our universe is electric in nature. The electric force is billions of times more powerful than wimpy gravity, planets and stars are not formed like we were taught in school. But the majority of those astronomers who know dare not speak out in fear that they too will lose their tenures, funding and/or telescope time. Here are some keywords & names to research this for yourself; Halton C. Arp, Kristian Birkland, Hans Alven,Wal Thornhill,David Talbott,Dr. Donald Scott,Purple dawn of creation,Birkland currents, the Z-pinch effect,Bennet pinch,Anode tuft, plasmoids,electric universe, plasma universe, Circuits in our skies,thunderbolts of the gods. To name but a few. There is a revolution in cosmology in the works and getting bigger and bigger every year.  Here's a good start


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