ANUNNAKI GOLD OF THE PINE CONE GODS STAR FIRE Hello, I wanted to give a hearty Happy new year to all of you. I have not been able to get much free time to write blogs lately. I have been very busy with the kids and life in general, I usually do my truth seeking in the early mornings. There is something about getting up at 3:30 - 4 am that is perfect for coffee and contemplation. If you have been to my blog before you know that I am searching for the big answers. What is life all about? Where did we come from? How do we handle the stress of everyday life and stay healthy in a world full of toxicity? The biggest of the big what happens to us when we leave this mortal coil? Nobody gets out alive, heh. When I see certain things I sometimes feel a certain responsibility to share the knowledge not just retain it for my own purposes. Help to provide a public service to people who may be just looking for some truth. I may write about relationships, health, Sports especially baseball a passion since I can remember. Or show videos that are intriguing.

 Not a professional writer or author and I do not have any ambition to build a following and become rich or anything like that. I am a retired auto worker regular guy, single father with 3 great kids  an adult 38 and my 2 babies now 12 & 14.Their Mom broke my heart as I really thought she was the love of my life but was sadly mistaken, I am no victim though I made mistakes as we all do; I stopped watching the boob tube about 3 years ago now and began to search for meaningfulness in life other than my children that give my life purpose. I am told people on a mission tend to live longer, I agree with that . By reading and watching documentaries and doing my best to sort out the noise from signal or wheat from the chaff .Plus this also acts as a board of remembrances as sometimes I take in so much something gets lost until I see my blog and then think,oh yeah !  if something is really good information like to share this wealth with people. So I started this blog and my youtube channel to do my best to bring things to light that may not be found by someone ordinarily who feels the same.

 I often contemplate these days about our origins as Humans. I would think all people do at one time or another but, Some folks I know don't really give that much attention at all for one reason or another.They never seem interested in piercing even the first viel of truth. Or as I like to call them 1st cognitions.  Some folks just accept the story told by religion and leave it there, some folks just don't care are just oblivious to all of the majestic wonders going on above their heads or find it as one person tells me very boring or they will give you that raised eyebrow look and funny grin if you try to engage in a conversation about the big questions in life. They do not feel any need what so ever to analyze things like where we come from perhaps or why are we here? or what is going on with the universe, How did it come about? What is our true purpose in life? Do we even have one? How do the planets stay in their orbits, why doesn't the Earth fall? Do aliens really exist? What are UFO's? Things of that nature.As well as conspiracy's, history, cover-ups, However then there are the one's that go rogue and think everything is a conspiracy. I do not think that but I concur with Socrates remark that it is a mark of high intelligence for a person to entertain and idea without accepting it.

These questions are what drives me to quest for truth. I hear there are 7 layers of truth I'd like to pierce them all.  I do not even for a minute accept the Darwinian concept that we are just smart hairless Monkeys or that Humans are the final result of what started out as some bubbling goo in a swamp, and then there is the whole religious concept, for lack of a better word kind of a fairy-tale that some unseen spirit  took some clay and just made something so complex as the human body and the miracle of 2 people creating a life . With that said, by no means does that mean I do not believe in God. To the contrary, I do very much believe in a creator of all what the Native Americans call the great spirit..However, I have issues with some stories in the bible and the dogma filled religions of the world. One thing I know about (Hu)man is he can be a contemptuous liar. I have delved into religion very much so looking for answers but finding few. I know that in ancient times all roads led to Rome and in my opinion, Rome has caused so much damage to the human race it is still with us today. Being that the first organized Christian faith, not the first Christians the Gnostic's but the first "church" that was organized and installed as an authority was the ROMAN Catholic church.It really gets me that people don't make that connection. Every other denomination has spun off from there.Rome as an empire may have fallen but the Romans still very much ruled the world long after the empire fell through the power of the Popes and their Catholic church.

This video is a reading from a book by Sir Laurence Gardener that I have listened to quite a few times. It is loaded with pearls of very valuable information that really puts many things in to perspective. It is one of the best readings I have listened too there is visual as well. There is so much in fact it really needs to be heard more than one time. Every time I listen to it I pick up something new. The name of the Book is Bloodline of the Holy Grail. I strongly suggest that you give it a good listen too. If you are anything like me you will find it just full of very interesting facts and truth. Thank you for getting this far with me. I will try my best to continue to write on a more regular basis. If for nothing else than to give my future offspring and descendants thoughts and perspective for their lives down the road. If I can help anyone else with their quest that is a bonus.I have this video in a folder entitled Enki's lost book, on my youtube channel after this there is a reading of a book Sitchin wrote that is very good. I don't agree with it all but it is good information.The video is linked to the blue lettering  at the beginning.My youtube channel is updated daily. This video gives the whole definition of the origin of what the Phoenix was all about. The fountain of youth, the reason archaeology was created and much much more.


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