A little taste of RFK jr. Not such an anti Vax freak, as I have heard him called like some loon, like the owned MSM wants us to think, don't drink the kool-aid, on the contrary he is looking out for the public, namely us! He is a man who cares about the constitution, our freedoms and unsafe vaccines, this message is being ignored in lieu of making him look like a loon, he is perfectly sane, and right, interested in your thoughts on the matter, I think a Trump RFK jr presidential race would be the best thing that could happen for the people, as IMHO they are both pro US constitution, for example did you know we have still been on the emergency act that was installed after 911?sadly for us we've been lied to so many times that if a real emergency happened again like 911 we wouldn't know what really went down and who was responsible, RFK jr and Donald Trump are both pro US constitution therefore pro human, humans acting humane, huh, a breath of fresh air, both a hated by the ...
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