Were all Kittens that need LOVE

One of the biggest problems with the world today is, in my opinion, only going to get worse, unless, we make major changes in our whole love system, I will try to explain. A human being's personality is the results of their experiences, but most importantly the amount of  unconditional love we received at critical times when we needed it the most, I am no psychologist it doesn't take one when common sense can say this, how many think to bring it to pen on paper is another thing, during these times we are vulnerable at an age when comfort and compassion are needed there is none, insecure times when fear needs to be comforted there is none, and as children we learn at the feet of our masters, our parents, we emulate them.

 Short story, my kids wanted a dog or a cat like all kids do, since I was just in the middle of my woes of my big D I wanted to be able to give them that so we got a cat, since I was cured of wanting dogs it was a cat, I couldn't find a usual 8 weeks old kitten that all of us were wanting, it is hard to find kittens, I found that a surprise but anyway, we got a 10-month-old black cat from some lady and her daughter for 50 bucks, not bad I thought, but once we let her out we decided to name her shadow. she was literally scared of her own shadow, the kids were very disappointed and so was I, I kept saying just leave her be, the whole episode was a journey of anxiety for her I figured and it would take some time but she'd eventually come out from her hiding place.

 This isn't what I was expecting at all, we wanted that playful kitten,  time went by 3 weeks 4 weeks, still hiding, hmm I said kids we got a dud here, maybe I should NOOO okay then, well were 7 years down the line and shadow is a fat cat, she gets nothing but love and has come around only in the last 2 years she is an affectionate love bug now but if there is a noise or fast movement, she jumps 6 feet! Those claws hurt, To emerge with the point, that one experience or perhaps an even more traumatic thing happened to her before I got her and who knows maybe it was what they were doing getting rid of a scardy cat.

 Shadow's personality was formed by the trauma she suffered as a young kitten. us humans are kittens too, we need understanding, guidance, security, and unconditional love, and attention, how many people are in the world with attention issues? Too many they scream it at the world with 20 piercings body covered in tattoos,( 1 or 2 okay I guess but 30 yeah, these folks might not have to feel like that if'n mom and dad would have spent some time with them.it forms how secure we are, how truthful we are, how stable we are definitely how affectionate we are,  temper, conscience,  everything, everything, it all goes back to when we were kittens that needed both parents to love and give understanding,,

Today I would venture to guess that at least 50 % of families are broken homes, the parents made long term commitment on short term feelings, does anybody even think to look at the vows they took? Or is it really just about having that glorious gluttonous its all about me party dressed up. Tomorrow will come and then its till death do us part, the real tragedy is what happens to the innocent ones in the middle are the product of the love they made literally, are caught in the middle and pay the biggest price, but,

What about if they got remarried right away their happy right?  not really, kids need their own real parents in their lives mom and dad, not Mom and Tom Dick or  Harry who secretly despises them or him because he looks like his fathers spitting image.  that depends though on the real person he/she would be, kids want their own parents but sometimes that can't be,  if one is too busy in self-gratification then the other one better pour that love in like the sun to a planet, because the wrong side of the street is the easiest one to find, the straight and narrow path is much harder. When we're young we use our body more than our mind until we have been there done that, then it switches we use our minds while our body goes to shit, can you imagine how good we could be if that could be switched? Think about it.

  I know the majority of people are good, the vast majority, but the majority is often absent therein lies the problem. Today we groom our children to the fake science, news and history they learn in school completely attempting to bury the magic we are all given at birth and then there is the computer or TV that has put them to sleep. I am here to say we need to love, love, love, only one thing, for some it's too late for they look upon kindness as weakness, this kind has no conscience and will only take advantage, only give my best to those that do their best for me period, sometimes love must be tough.
 I speak of the innocent ones that deserve their parents best and nothing less, healthy adulthood is at stake. Kids will naturally gravitate toward the big road constantly need guidance and love to stay on that straight and narrow. They say there are 7 heavens with the 7th being the eternal land of bliss, my thoughts on that are this, when I hear that stuff I think at first well that is silly new age stuff, but one thing makes me think there may be something to this, if you look into the cosmos or even the sun, you can see faces I have this nagging feeling that this is not simple paradolia ( not even a real word) that is the word like conspiracy theorist modern flawed science has given to them in order to keep us in our left brain and afraid we will be embarrassed to explore this, but these could very well be light beings at the highest levels that have the entire cosmos as their living space, their way of showing us is to show us. I don't really know just a hunch I feel, but I do know this
The highest condition in the universe is for one to live in love, no hurt, pain or fear can exist or touch, the world is where we learn but it is full of pain, I think if hurt didn't exist on this plane we may not be able to learn how to love that is why we are sent here until we get it right. As I see it to make it to the next level one needs to have an open mind, good intent and most of all a loving heart and everything will be alright.
most of man's troubles exist due to an inability for him to sit in a room by himself for any period of time,   Greg Jay


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