Saturn Death cult Preface by Troy D. McGlachlan.
Do you have the ability for free thinking? Are you open minded enough to admit you've been fooled by the mainstream? well, I used to be one that put these scientists on a pedestal like Carl Sagan, until I looked at one video that I put on by chance a guy named Wal Thornhill , a seed was and unknown to me a seed was planted and out of basic curiosity I had to look into it more so I could put those thoughts to bed, instead it became more and more compelling, then I realized that we were all being led down a primrose path, by quantum mysticism and big bang religion, until finally the whole cardboard hoax that is mainstream cosmology crumbled before my eyes. I have to admit it is so liberating and I was once again interested in science void of the dogma of course, Please keep in mind every scientist you mentioned not one was German, Nazi's in modern times and the terrible Romans in ancient times are the token bad guys, just be open minded about who the dirty ones are, so be careful who gets the blame, just saying, Einstein was a Zionist you are quite correct about the subversion..Watch the cosmology quest, and Thunderbolts of the gods you will be free thinker once again. At the end of the 19th century science was on the brink of major discoveries, then WW1 happened and it has been off the tracks, so your close but you gotta go back a bit more, Einstein plagiarized err I mean formulated his gravity theory in 1915, then an English astronomer named Eddington threw his weight behind Einstein and out of the blue he gets a tickertape parade in New York, people didn't even know who the heck he was, but a free party? Heck yeah you see, primrose path. The universe is electric See the thunderbolts group
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