Universe - Episode 1 - The Cosmology Quest - The Electric Universe and P...

In 1966 the astronomer Halton Arp  who has been called the new Galileo and for good reason, nearly knocked mainstream cosmology out in the first round, the story is very famous in astronomical circles but the whole incident was deep sixed and the MSM did all they could to make sure,  Halton Arp was one of  Hubble's assistants back in the long ago days when he discovered that the little smudge spots they were seeing  were actually galaxies  and the theory that we lived in one of those smudges  eventually he saw them running away and it was announced we live in an expanding universe,  what nobody has talked about is what happened to Arp , well he was working on quasars in the 60s by this time now a senior astronomer  quasars are thought to be on the fringes of the universe, because they have extreme red shift numbers, but something was a miss, Arp was getting back data that nobody could explain, (a video on youtube talks all about it called cosmology quest).

 Anyway Arp was producing a book titled peculiar galaxies, and he happened to catch a quasar coming out of a galaxy core of Seyfert galaxies,he thought this is very strange, and low and behold not only did he catch one but he found more, then he found these quasars  camped out all along galaxies and connected by filaments of plasma to their seemingly parent galaxy but that  was a problem like in galaxy NGC4603 there is an apparent quasar coming from the core and 3 more connected by a plasma bridge, Arp knew right off that he was witnessing biology in space right there, and the big enigma about quasars were over, they are themselves proto-galaxies! but something was wrong, all 4 quasars displayed vastly different red shift numbers but how could that be they were all connected by these plasma filaments?? 
Well Arp decided to write a paper on it,  that is when his troubles began,  the editor of the Astro physical journal nixed  the paper and recommended that Palomar fire Arp a 30+ year veteran and on his paper editor wrote, this exceeds my imagination, you see if the quasars were all reading vastly different red shifts but were all connected that means red shift is non cosmological, thus there is no expanding universe or big bang, in fact after Arp was fired and the whole incident swept under the rug Arp got a job in Germany working for the Planck institute where these things can be seen much easier in xrays, he found that red shift is intrinsic to age we have biology in space the big bang never happened and mainstream cosmology knows it but does nothing. True story look him up     I will also put the link in a video post for you to see the story first hand, this is the kind of thing that just sets me on fire, I am so shocked that our mainstream cosmologists and physicists are playing games with our heads and not being honest with us or are being held hostage to lie I do not know, but Why? I just do not understand


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