Water: it'll cure what ails ya, literally! You should know

 At Last: We Can Now Cure Pain and Prevent Disease -- Naturally -- At No Cost:
This ground-breaking medical discovery reveals the missing natural element that prevents -- even cures -- the body’s painful degenerative diseases -- naturally and at no cost!Your not sick ,your just thirsty The link at the bottom is the answer to just about everything that is wrong with us! I had to share this mind blowing website with you about water and sea salt! Please go to this website and read the information it is worth it's weight in gold !It'll cure what ails ya.http://www.watercure.com/wondersofwater.html
  • Why we in medicine were not able to permanently cure any of the painful degenerative diseases -- until now. And why we have frequently made deadly mistakes that add more pain, suffering, and irreversible complications in the process!
  • Why we constantly had to experiment using different chemicals in the futile hope of finding something that would work -- and nothing has worked until now! Look at the spiraling health care costs every year.
  • Why the drug companies have had to produce so many chemicals that are now proven to make 2,000,000 sicker and have killed over 100,000 annually -- even when used according to their manufacturers’ recommendations! Judge for yourself how vulnerable we have become! The Washington Post of Wednesday, April 15, 1998 quotes the Journal of the American Medical Association:"One in 15 hospital patients in the United States can expect to suffer from a prescription or over-the-counter medicine, and about 5 percent of these will die as a result!" You should know that 1 in every 4 hospital admissions are said to be due to the side effects of routinely used prescription drugs.
  • Why all of this is about to change, and with what mind-boggling simplicity!
  • What you are going to find out may at first sound too good to be true! This newly uncovered "ultimate cure" is so simple you will wonder why it has not been discovered until now! But I will prove every word you are about to read. I will also tell you why I think the drug industry has concealed this information when asking trusting physicians to prescribe its medications.
    What you will discover in this letter is that we in medicine are trained to use chemicals to treat pain and disease when all the body needs is water -- a simple and abundantly available natural element.
    Yes! Only water!


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